July 14, 2023 New preprint on BioRxiv

Polysaccharide breakdown products drive degradation-dispersal cycles of foraging bacteria through changes in metabolism and motility

March 22, 2023 New preprint on BioRxiv

Interspecies interactions determine growth dynamics of biopolymer degrading populations in microbial communities

February 22, 2023 New Paper in ISMEJ

Cell aggregation is associated with enzyme secretion strategies in marine polysaccharide-degrading bacteria

August 19, 2022 Tom Brock Award!

Most innovative research by an early career scientist at ISME18 in Lausanne

March 21, 2021 New Paper in ISMEJ

New paper on behavioural transitions within microbial groups in response to changes in nutrient complexity!

New work from my postdoc in ISMEJ: We show that Caulobacter crescentus cells engage in colonial behaviours when growing on the polysaccharide xylan but disperse to solitary growth states when the monosaccharide xylose becomes available. We employ a combination of microfluidics, and well-mixed batch growth assays that enabled us to directly manipulate nutrient complexity and allowed us to develop a quantitative understanding of responses of individuals to changes in nutrient complexity and the benefit that distinct behaviours provide to microbial populations. To know more checkout our paper in ISMEJ.

To know more about the background of the paper checkout my Behind the Paper blog and Twitter thread!