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1. Stubbusch A, Keegstra J, Schwartzmann J, Pontrelli S, Clerc E, Stocker R, Magnabosco C, Schubert O, Ackermann M and D’Souza G. Polysaccharide breakdown products drive degradation-dispersal cycles of foraging bacteria through changes in metabolism and motility. BioRxiv: [OA]

2. D’Souza G, Schwartzmann J, Keegstra J, Schreier J, Daniels M, Cordero O, Stocker R and Ackermann M. Interspecies interactions determine growth dynamics of biopolymer degrading populations in microbial communities. BioRxiv: [OA]

3. Povolo V, D’Souza G, Kaczmarczyk A, Stubbusch A, Jenal U and Ackermann M. Extracellular appendages govern spatial dynamics and growth of Caulobacter crescentus on a prevalent biopolymer. BioRxiv: [OA]

Peer Reviewed and Published

Nutrient complexity triggers transitions between solitary and colonial growth in bacterial populations.

D’Souza G, Povolo V, Keegstra J, Stocker R and Ackermann M. (2021)

The ISME Journal, [OA]

An interdisciplinary and application-oriented approach to teach microfluidics.

Mehdi Salek M,  Fernandez V, D’souza G, Puigmartí-Luis J, Stocker R and Secchi E. (2021)

Biomicrofluidics 15: 014104

Phenotypic variation in spatially structured microbial communities: Ecological origins and consequences.

D’Souza G. (2020)

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62: 220-227. (invited review)

Ecology and evolution of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in bacteria.

D’Souza G, Shitut S, Preusger D, Yousif G, Waschina S and Kost C. (2018)

Natural Product Reports 35 (5): 455-488 (invited review) [OA]

Experimental evolution of metabolic dependency in bacteria.

D’Souza G and Kost C. (2016)

Plos Genetics 12(11): e1006364. [OA]

Metabolic network architecture and carbon source determine metabolite production costs.

Waschina S, D’Souza G, Kaleta C, and Kost C. (2016)

The FEBS Journal. 283 (11): 2149-2163 [OA]

Plasticity and epistasis strongly affect bacterial fitness after losing multiple metabolic genes.

D'Souza G*, Waschina S*, Kaleta C, and Kost C. (2015)

Evolution 69 (5):1244–1254

Less is more: Selective advantages can explain the prevalent loss of biosynthetic genes in bacteria.

D'Souza G, Waschina S, Pande S, Bohl K, Kaleta C and Kost C. (2014)

Evolution 68 (9): 2559-2570. [OA]

Carbon sources influence the nitrate removal activity, community structure and biofilm architecture.

Srinandan C, D'Souza G, Srivastava N, Nayak B, and Nerurkar A. (2012)

Bioresource Technology 117:292-299.

Cell aggregation is associated with enzyme secretion strategies in marine polysaccharide-degrading bacteria.

D’Souza G, Ebrahimi A, Keegstra J, Stubbusch A, Daniels M, Stocker R, Cordero O and Ackermann M. (2023)

The ISME Journal, [OA]

Short-range quorum sensing controls horizontal gene transfer at micron scale in bacterial communities.

van Gestel J, Bareia T, Tenennbaum B, Dal Co A,  Guler P, Aframian N, Puyesky S, Grinberg I, D’Souza G, Erez Z, Ackermann M, Eldar A. (2021)

Nature Communications, 12:2324 [OA]